Ministry Team
Eric Eichinger
Senior Pastor 626-447-7690 [email protected] Rev. Eric Eichinger enjoys wearing his many vocational hats of husband, father, pastor, and scribe. He hails from the great state of Michigan and was ordained in the office of holy ministry in 2006 in his hometown congregation of Zion Lutheran Church in Kalamazoo, MI. Currently he serves as senior pastor of OSLC Arcadia, since 2022. Prior to the pastoral ministry, Eichinger met his future wife, Kara, as they served together as missionaries in China. Today, as they raise their three children together, Pastor Eich feels fulfilled utilizing their overseas experience serving in the holy ministry amidst the strongly Chinese populated city of Arcadia. Eichinger says, “Our church seeks to Share Our Savior in the hearts of individuals, throughout our neighborhood, and beyond.” Our Savior Lutheran Church has many exciting people, ministries, and opportunities for people to meet and become involved with. OSLC strives to blend legacy congregation members with newer faces in the community. Our worship services and ministries continue to reflect this reality more and more. Pastor Eichinger loves to share Jesus in creative and innovative ways and has written for The Lutheran Hour as well as authored three books of his own. In His leisure time, Pastor Eich enjoys playing sports with his family, sipping coffee, reading, writing, and cheering on his beloved Michigan State Spartans, as well as the Detroit Lions (because someone has to). He looks forward to seeing you this Sunday! |
Marija Hallman
Director of Music 626-447-7690 Since 2014, Dr. Marija Loncar Hallman has been serving as the Music Director and Organist of Our Savior Lutheran Church and has loved every moment of it, even during the year of online services during the pandemic. A native of Croatia and Serbia, Marija emigrated to the United States after receiving a full ride merit scholarship. She obtained her Master of Music at the University of Southern California and then embarked on the long journey towards a performance career. These efforts led to concerts at some of the nation’s most esteemed organ venues including St. Patrick’s Cathedral and St. Thomas 5th Avenue in New York City, the Crystal Cathedral of Orange County, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, many performances for the American Guild of Organists, and numerous engagements and master classes abroad. In 2010, she was offered another scholarship to complete her Doctorate of Music Arts at USC. She finished her DMA in 2015, majoring in Organ Performance with specialization in Choral Music, Sacred Music, and Music Education. Besides her work as organist and choir director, Marija is also a teacher. In 2015, she helped launch a music ministry for children, the Our Savior Lutheran Church Music Academy. One of the highlights of Marija’s week is Thursday evening, the choir and hand bells rehearsal where she gets to not only make awesome music to praise God, but also do that with amazing groups of people. |
Esther Liu
Director of Music, Chinese Assembly 626-447-7690 Esther was born and raised in Tainan, Taiwan. She was admitted and then received 4 years of professional music education by the special music program. She learned piano, violin, music theory, musicianship…etc and built a strong foundation of her musical ability which God has used greatly later on in her life. At 12 years old, she lost her earthly father and moved to Taipei. She started going to a Baptist church because her mother was a Christian. She then received Jesus as her personal Savior at age of 13 and started serving God in church by playing piano in the worship services. She immigrated to U.S.A. with her mother when she was 18. She received her B.S. degree in Business Administration option in Accounting at California State University, Los Angeles and got her CPA License later on. While being at school and working, she never stopped serving God in church with her musical gift. She had served in Mandarin Baptist Church of Pasadena, and Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles. After quitting as an accountant from the City of Los Angeles, God miraculously led her to Lutheran Church of the Cross to work as the music director for almost four years. She always feels grateful and blessed to be used by the Lord. Her favorite Bible verse is from the Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” 劉劍詩在臺灣臺南出生長大。她考進永福國小音樂班並在裡面學習了四年專業的音樂課程,主修鋼琴,副修小提琴。她在當中建立了相當良好的音樂基礎,以致之後能夠大大地被神在音樂上使用,服事祂。 她十二歲時,失去了地上的父親,繼而搬到台北。因為她的母親是個基督徒,她開始參加劍潭浸信會的聚會。她在十三歲時接受耶穌成為她個人的救主,並開始在教會崇拜中,用鋼琴來事奉神。 她十八歲時跟母親移民到美國,她畢業於加州州立大學洛杉磯分校,商業管理系,主修會計,並有拿到會計師執照。即使在求學或工作階段,她從未停止禮拜日在教會用神賜她的音樂恩賜來事奉祂。她先後在培城國語浸信會跟洛杉磯國語浸信會事奉,崇拜司琴,詩班鋼琴伴奏,兒童合唱團助教/伴奏,手鐘隊隊員, 和管弦樂團小提琴手。在辭去了洛杉磯市政府會計正職後,神奇妙地帶領她到亞凱迪亞市的信義會十架堂擔任音樂總監達三年十個月。她總覺得很不配,但能被主使用,實在是非常地蒙福和感恩。 她最愛的聖經經文是羅馬書八章二十八節:「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按祂旨意被召的人。」 |
Anastasia Barkow
Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Anastasia has been a member of OSLC since she was a little kid. She grew up in Arcadia, CA and this church community. She went through confirmation at Our Savior before graduating high school and moving out of state for college. While studying Drama and Irish Studies at New York University, along with her academics, she led weekly arts-based Bible studies for her peers. After graduation, she has been blessed to be able to pursue both acting and ministry opportunities. A fun fact about Anastasia: she loves rock climbing even though she’s not very good at it :) |